Thursday, July 14, 2005

British Columbia - Touring 7/5 - 7-6

The next several days were spent exploring Vancouver by bike. Vancouver can be both overwhelmingly exciting and frustrating in the same day. Many parts of it are tremendously accomodating to bicycles and pedestrians and other parts are just down right dangerous. Some parts of the city are laid out wonderfully for non-motorized vehicles and then some parts are just scary.

Sad to say but in trying to put together a fairly inexpensive vacation we opted for a place to staty somewhat near Chinatown. Woooa...nothing but opiate based addicts who's minds have been fried to the point of no return. I mean within 10 minutes of checking in and looking out the window to the street below I spotted my first hooker/john introduction, all two stories below me.

Gulfspring Island Posted by Picasa

Some great points to see by bike were the ride out to UBC after visiting Granville Island. Granville Island has a great but somewhat touristy farmer's market similar to Pikes' market in Seattle. As I later found out the bike trail out to UBC is just the standard Canadian urban bike trail system something that should be and could be copied here in the states. After the somewhat damp ride that morning I stopped by the Vancouver Main Library.

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