Thursday, October 13, 2005

Great Day - Great Peadals

I recently replaced my Crank Brothers new Quattro road pedals with Look 5.1's. The Quattros were ok but I wanted to give these looks a try. For I while I tried the red cleats which allow for the 3, 6, and 9 degrees of float. I have a pair of Lake shoes. On Wednesday I switched over to the black (fixed) cleats. Wow I love this things. My feet now feel like the are a part of the crankset, the in and out of these cleats are much smoother. Before with a pair of off brand red cleats so much force was needed and then you hear this big snapping sound of the plastic finding its way into the metal pedal.

Well with yesterdays great weather here in the bay area it just felt so good. I did'nt think it could get any better than this.

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